I haven't blogged in a while. Okay, that you DO know. That's not part of the "Things You Don't Know" segment of this blog post. That's just the intro. Okay? Okay.
I've been really busy so I haven't had much time for blogging. The free time I have had was spent far away from a computer... like at the dog beach or at the movie theater or eating out at restaurants. Just add traveling to that and you've got 4 of my favorite places to go/things to do away from home! No time for travel though. I'm feeling angsty about that but that's another blog post.
So, some of the things you don't know about Christina (and Andrew too) are the same things that have been keeping me so busy. Here's a nice numbered list for you. I really like numbered (and bullet-pointed) lists. I like charts and graphs too. I'll work on a blog post that includes more charts and graphs soon!
- I am now the proud owner of a shiny new Master's Degree in Educational Administration. YAY! And. The. Crowd. Goes. WIIILLLLDDD! My graduation was last weekend (the 21st) and my parents and in-laws came and we went out to lunch and I got some very generous gifts and some beautiful flowers and it was really nice! It feels great to have so much support!
- Andrew is now looking at graduate school. He's trying to be as smart as I am! Silly boy. [kidding, kidding]
- It looks like we'll be moving to Utah.
- I really hate roaches.
- Oh, you want me to go back to #3? Okay!
- Andrew wants to get his Master's in Engineering. He also wants to start his own company cuz "the man" is really bringin him down! Well, the University of Utah has a dual degree program, an MBA and the MS in Engineering with the exact emphasis he wants. They offered him a scholarship too because he's really cool and awesome and smart and they are on top of it enough to know that. Also, the company he works for has a facility there (in Salt Lake City to be specific) so he can (make the valiant attempt to) have a job. (It's a valiant attempt because school will be full-time. Yikes!) So, I'm looking for a job and we'll probably be moving in August.
- I will really miss California. I will miss the dog beach and Disneyland and the plethora of options I have of what to do and where to go and what to eat every weekend and what is perhaps the best weather on planet Earth! I will miss a lot.
- I will NOT miss the traffic and the expensive housing and some of the snobby OC people.
- I will be looking forward to some change. I generally like change. It's exciting! Being someone who enjoys change, I have to be careful that I don't want change for the sake of change. That kind of change is stupid. But this isn't that kind of change. This is good, exciting change for a good reason.
- Speaking of change, if you have any to spare, please send it our way. We're going to rent out our condo and buy a house. Houses there are cheap but that's still 2 mortgages (1 of which rent will not totally cover) and another down-payment. Bye-bye financial freedom and the occasional, "I'd like a new pair of shoes just because" trip to Kohls.
- Kidding about the change. Don't send us any. We'll figure it out. I know all of you were running to your coin jar. Abort mission!
- I can cook! I cooked a lot of things this weekend and I only got frustrated a couple of times. Improvement! (Sudden change in topic, I know. But there isn't much else to report on Utah. We're juggling a lot of things now: condo rental, house purchase, job hunt... and the balls are all still up in the air.)
- I have an intense love-affair with Showtime and HBO dramas and comedy series. I sit and I wait and I look at the Facebook pages for those shows and I remember the dates without writing them down. True Blood comes back on the 26th. Weeds, the 27th. Yippie!
- The wedding photos from my evening wedding reception on Saturday night were all lost when our photographer's hard-drive crashed. I'm super-duper-mega sad about that. If anyone reading this has pictures from Saturday night, please email them to me!
- My mother-in-law has been going through a brutal cancer treatment for about 90% of the year so far. Luckily, it was discovered early and they attacked it pretty hard but radiation on skin cancer is very painful and chemo sucks for lots of reasons. She made it through, is still healing but feeling good and we're excstatic about that and we're amazed at what she's been through.
- I cannot sing. I wish I could, but I can't. I only sing alone, in a big group or when I'm drunk. However, if you point this out or make fun of it, my feelings will totally be hurt.
- My feelings are hurt so much more often than I show. I'm a pro at not showing when I'm hurt.
- There are a lot more things you don't know about Christina and plenty of those you never will. Sorry. That's how I roll.